Environmental Sustainability in Practice

Geospatial Technologies and Environmental Sustainability


Have you ever used a GPS to get to an unknown location? Or used Google Earth to explore some far-off exotic place? If so, you have experience using geospatial technologies. Geospatial technologies, including geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), and remote sensing are commonly used to research environmental sustainability issues over both spatial and temporal scales. These technologies are also used in both the public and private sectors to conduct a variety of research and analyses. This module is organized according to the six main phases of any geospatially related project. The module will deal with each of the six main phases in the order that they typically occur. These include:

The focus of the content will be on how geospatially-related projects are completed, which will be demonstrated using some examples that are relevant to environmental sustainability. In addition, inputs on best practices and considerations when conducting your own project using geospatial technologies will be explored. 

Learning Objectives

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

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