Environmental Sustainability in Practice

Learning to Do

Learning to do refers to developing practical skills and action competence in relation to environmental sustainability. Integrating theory and practice is a key principle in learning the skills and actions required for environmental sustainability. Learners engage in real-world issues and understand concepts in real-world contexts. The natural, social and built environment are used as a context and source of learning. Learners are given opportunities to connect with their local and global spheres of influence, and apply their skills and practices in various settings.

To inspire hope and change, sharing stories of personal and community experiences of action in moving toward environmental sustainability is a key component of learning to do.

See what others are doing around the globe. UNESCO has created a Green Citizens platform highlighting stories of good practices in Education for Sustainable Development from around the world. These stories are intended to inspire individuals to take action in conveying new practices in education to guarantee a sustainable future.

See what others are doing throughout Canada. Learning for a Sustainable Future initiated the Our Canada Project where youth from across Canada can share what they are doing individually or with their communities for a sustainable future for Canada.


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