Environmental Sustainability in Practice

What is Sustainability Education?

Teaching people to understand the relationship between humans and nature is not a new idea. This type of education has a long and varied history largely influenced by wider social, cultural, political, and economic influences. Because of these influences, different terms and definitions have emerged and evolved over the years including environmental education, education for sustainable development, and education for sustainability, among others. These terms could all be considered as various expressions of sustainability education.

Countries, regions, and even localities around the world use different terms, definitions and iterations of sustainability education. These expressions of sustainability education are regionally or locally relevant and culturally appropriate, and are based on regional or local needs, perceptions, and conditions.

Since there is no overarching definition of sustainability education, we will look at the three most common terms mentioned above to gain an understanding of what is happening in this field. Before we dive into what all of these terms mean, it is useful to see how sustainability education emerged.

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