Environmental Sustainability in Practice

Sustainability Education in Practice

There are many different teaching approaches in the field of Sustainability Education. These numerous approaches are attempts to encompass the diverse dimensions of our relationship with the environment. Educator beliefs and preferences also influence the approach(es) used.

A few of the most common approaches are highlighted here, but this list is by no means exhaustive, nor are these approaches rigid in their boundaries. Many approaches have overlapping concepts, or are a combination of elements from various approaches. In teaching concepts of environmental sustainability, educators and practitioners choose the approaches best suited for their learners and context, and also the ones which line up with their own philosophy of teaching environmental sustainability. We will touch on a sample of different approaches to illustrate the variation found.

Competences such as systems thinking, and the principles of holistic and values-centered teaching, as well as transformative experiences transcend all approaches and are considered necessary components to any sustainability education initiative.


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