Environmental Sustainability in Practice

What Motivates the Development of Environmental Communications?


Firms develop environmental communications for a number of reasons including building a strong reputation based on their environmental products and services, developing brand equity for consumers who are supportive of environmentally-friendly brands, and receiving the myriad of positive environmental (and economic) outcomes associated with these practices. These outcomes include resource conservation, less waste going to landfills, and fewer materials used in their production process.

Non-profit Groups

Non-profits and NGOs often seek to highlight poor environmental practices in order to put pressure on companies to improve their operations. Consumer boycotts may occur when firms are not seen to be environmentally conscious. A list of active consumer boycotts, many of which are related to environmental practices, can be found here.

Government Organizations

Government officials at various levels have been engaged in environmental communication campaigns targeting different issues. Examples include banning single-use plastic bags and encouraging proper recycling behaviour by citizens. The Australian government banned plastic bags in 2011, and in follow up surveys of their citizens, over 70% of those surveyed wanted the ban to remain in force. Additionally, 65% of shoppers felt the ban has led to a positive effect on the environment.

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